Top 4 Speeches at the Golden Globes

Award shows make me cry. I don’t normally watch them because the highlights online are just as good, but this time around I decided to give it a go. I laughed, I cried (a couple of times… I know, I’m a baby) I was jealous of the pretty dresses and thought maybe I should do something with my life to get a fancy award on my shelves. These 4 acceptance speeches were ones that were truly inspiring, heat warming, and will just generally put a smile on your dial. Also Tina and Amy make everything amazing.

tina and amy

4. Common

Common and John Legend won the Golden Globe for best original song from the movie Selma. Referencing inequality and the recent tragedies all over the world, Common puts how we’ve all been feeling so eloquently. We all are the hopeful black woman. We all are the caring white supporter.

3. Maggie Gyllenhaal

Maggie Gyllenhall won her Golden Globe for her character in The Honorable Woman. She talks about women, powerful women, beautiful women, complicated women. She made me feel proud to be a woman, like even with my idiosyncrasies I was doing something right.

2. Jeffery Tambor

Winning for his role in Transparent, Jeffery Tambor gives a huge shout out to the transgender community and is doing his part to try and change the world. He thanked the usual suspects, but he also talked really open and honestly about how doing the series has changed his life and even dedicated the award to the transgender community. I love to see people taking an issue that’s hard to tackle and breaking it down into bite sized manageable pieces.

1. George Clooney

Well and truly the man on the night, Mr. Clooney dazzled us with his smile and then charmed us with his beautiful words. He reminded the star studded audience that they have not failed, that their accomplishments shine, also reminding the rest of us that celebrities are humans too. He paid tribute to his new wife, the beautiful and talented woman who make his face light up and his words less composed. Congrats on the lifetime achievements, George!

Honorable mention moments:

xx B